vijay batra karmalogist is a spiritual counsellor Spiritual Counselor, Mr Vijay Batra (Karmalogist) provides you guidance and support in various…
In universe, every object- visible or invisible, movable or immovable, are different from each other. Every galaxy in the universe…
कर्मकांड कितने सही है ? आत्मा अमर है, ना जलती है ना गीली होती है, ना ही इसे भूख प्यास…
KARMALOGIST के तार्किक एवं आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान से पित्रदोष को समझते है कि आखिर पित्रदोष किस समस्या का नाम है ?…
Spiritual Counseling by Karmalogist Vijay Batra When people engage in personal or spiritual counselling, they are often ready for change…
What is Spiritual dating? Spiritual dating is a one-to-one session with karmalogist which has the aim of assessing and magnifying…