When nothing in life works, Karmalogist does !

Karmalogist® Vijay Batra is the renowned spiritual Counsellor and shunyatmik guru in west Delhi, India. He is providing multiple spiritual services for individuals and groups, interpersonal sessions for guidance and problem solving.

Karmalogist Vijay Batra is an expert of theory of Karma and knows and understands the consequences of various Karma(s) with complete reason and logic. Karmalogist helps improve your life by removing all ill-effects of the results of past Karma.

Karmalogist Vijay Batra has brought awareness about the various superstitions and orthodox belief systems prevalent in the society. Karmalogist Vijay Batra has helped people to escape from superstitions and has helped misguided people save time, money and energy which are spent unnecessarily. He launched Karma counselling, Napoo paranormal healing, Dona tantra, Omen Therapy, Shunyalogy, Shunya Meditation, Shunya Kriya, Shunyatmik Gyan Shunya Tantra in India and has been working in the metaphysical and paranormal field from many years.

Karmalogist Vijay Batra explains positive and negative effects for any type of remedy because he has the divine wisdom to rectify and reverse astrological remedies. He should be consulted when you are confused, depressed or scared. He shares his knowledge of karma with the community to enhance the quality of lives of people and also encourages selfless service.

Karmalogist® Vijay Batra provides logical insights which will help you improve your daily karma and paves way for a balanced and good life. He provides you with the tools and metaphysical wisdom to improve your overall life.

Karmalogist Vijay Batra is a highly respected spiritual personality whose karma counselling and energy wellness program have helped people globally to eradicate all types of negativity to feel good, gain confidence, build on self-esteem and live a fear-free life.

Karmalogist Vijay Batra  firmly believes in giving back to the community, the knowledge he has gained through years of penance and omen meditation. He shares his knowledge in karma with the community to enhance the quality of lives of people and also to encourage selfless service. He remains sharply focused on development and establishment of a superstition-free world by imparting spiritual education.

Karmalogist Vijay Batra is well known for his work for authoring divine book 'Shunyatmik' and created Omen Therapy for energy wellness, along with writing various logic based superstition-free spiritual books and courses. He has integrated all his years of learning to build careers of people in this field. His books and research have enlightened today’s generation and dispelled various popular myths.

Karmalogist Vijay Batra has been providing various kinds of  one-to-one counseling for more than 27 years now. He works with each person individually like a project and has also helped people with paranormal and spiritual problems. His work has inspired and helped thousands of people globally. His books and spiritual coaching are the one stop solution for anyone who is searching for real, logical and practical answers and solutions to various spiritual and life issues.

Karmalogist Vijay Batra developed a keen interest in the vast and mysterious field of spiritualism at a very tender age of 9 years. Over the years, he has imbibed and expanded into the dimensions of spiritualism & shunyaism and has been appreciated by various saints and intellectuals of the world. He is a profound spiritualist and has also featured in digital and print media regularly.

Why do you need Karmalogist ?

This is a common thought that comes in the minds of people when they hear about this. Often times, this crucial aspect of our lives is alienated because of our believe systems. But what people realize later, is the potential benefits and success that a Karmalogist can provide. Karmalogist will help you gain clarity, remove obstacles and achieve success in life. Karmalogist works with you, at your individual level to cater to your problems at a soul level.

What does Karmalogist Vijay Batra do ?

In a digital world where we are connected with each other 24x7, Karmalogist Vijay Batra helps you to connect with yourself and your reality. He guides your life in a logical and balanced way for you to live a sound life. He helps you scratch the surface and look at your life from a new and a holistic perspective. He helps you understand the root cause of the problems by giving you Karma counselling and helps you get rid of superstitious methods.

You must contact Karmalogist Vijay Batra

  • When prayers are unanswered
  • When astrological remedies fail
  • When all other therapies are not working
  • When everything looks good but is opposite in reality
  • When belief is shattered because of confusion
  • When there is hindrance in your growth
  • When negativity blocks thoughts and actions
  • When you have lots of unanswered questions
  • When superstitions feel stronger then faith
  • When unsatisfactory results are received even after good karma
  • When fear of past karma, sin-virtue and planets exists
  • When religion less Spiritual and Void wisdom required.

Services offered by Karmalogist

  • Shunyatmik Gyan for the Truth seekers
  • Shunya Tantra to attain powers and showers
  • Karma Counselling for Personal Development
  • Omen Therapy Sessions for Energy Wellness
  • Shunya Meditation sessions for Spiritual Upliftment
  • Napoo Healing sessions for Paranormal Problems
  • Shunya Kriya sessions for Soul awakening and Moksha

Global Clients:

  • Celebrities
  • Entrepreneur
  • Leaders
  • Influencers
  • Intellectuals
  • Freelancers
  • College Students
  • Corporate Professionals
  • Retired Personnel
  • Seekers
  • Home Makers
  • Spiritual Workers

Do not hesitate to contact when you are confused, depressed or scared.

You can also join Karmalogist Vijay Batra for Shunyalogy

Get in touch for professional assistance, Call: (91) 9811677316


Founder -  ShunyaPanth